Saturday, September 19, 2009

C - Cowboy Theme Lesson Plan

Rug Time
Introduction of Theme
Music Time
"I'm a Little Cowboy"
I'm a little cowboy, Here is my hat
Here are my spurs and here are my chaps
When I get up, I work all day
I get on my horse and ride away
Reading Time
ABC Cowboy
Tall in the Saddle
Yippee Yay
Buckamoo Girls
Physical Play
Horse Shoes (This didn't work too well. I thought is was a great little game to play but they just don't have the coordination yet, so they wanted to be right above the stake. Still fun.)
Square Dancing (They actually kind of liked this but I had to guide them every step of the way. I am sure with more practice they could really do a do-si-do.)
Art / Crafts

C-Cowboy ( This didn't turn out quite like I hoped)

Tiolet Paper Rolls (I don't think that I will choose to do these again. They were labor intensive for me and the girls didn't do much. I do think that they are cute. There was also a horse and a cowboy. The kids just wanted to do the cowgirls.)
Measuring Rope lengths (We didn't actually get to this.)

Cowboy Cornbread & Chile in a Can (We actually had this after Cera left because I didn't think that she would eat it. We just had cookies while she was here. Simple enough.)

1 comment:

  1. Those posters turned out awesome. Looks like it was a lot of fun.
